Friday, May 15, 2009

St. Augustine Beach Vacation & My First Mother's Day!

Chris, Jackson, myself, and Chris' family just returned from a week long vacation in St. Augustine. We had SUCH a great time! We stayed in a condo that we rented with Chris' parents. It was a two bedroom/two bath condo that worked out really well for all of us, and his grandfather and uncles rented one right next door. Uncle Hal & Tommy are a BLAST, so we had plenty of good times sharing drinks with Uncle Hal (well, Chris did) and dancing the night away with Tommy (I did!). The first day we got there, after having lunch at the Sunset Grille (the BEST), we took Jackson for his first dip in the pool and his first time on the beach. The pictures do not do it justice, it was soooo cute to watch his reaction to everything! He absolutely LOVED watching the waves and the feeling of digging his toes into the beach sand. He also enjoyed the pool and splashing the water in his face. He did not, however, enjoy the soggy feeling of his Little Swimmer diaper. So as soon as he got out of the water, off had to come the diaper! I was pleasantly surprised at how well he did spending the day on the beach. Of course he chilled out under the umbrella all day, plus I splurged and bought him the cutest swim trunks and matching wet suit shirt from Baby Gap, which had 50 upf protection. We also went to Chris' cousin's wedding, which was beautiful outdoors by the beach. I have decided that 48 years down the road, Chris and I will renew our vows on the beach! :-D
On Mother's Day, Chris made me breakfast and we went to mass at the Cathedral Basilica downtown, which is like hundreds of years old. Then we were supposed to have lunch at the Columbia Restaurant (my fav), but they were only taking reservations, so we all ended up at Scarlett O'Harah's instead, which was just as fabulous. Then we shopped around St. George street for the rest of the afternoon. I ended up getting a really cute Vera Bradley mini backpack with my initials monogrammed on it. For my present from Chris, he bought me the E.T. dvd (my all time favorite movie) and the cutest picture: he took a picture of him and Jackson by the grape vine, framed it, and took Jackson's hands dipped in blue and orange paints and put his hand prints below the picture. It was sooo sweet! I had an amazing Mother's Day. I can safely say that I am sure I will feel that way every Mother's Day from now on!!
So our trip was wonderful and filled with so many memories that we will never forget. Enjoy the pics. There are a lot more on myspace and Facebook. Jackson will be five months on Monday so I will blog again then.
Love, The Turners